9 amazing facts about birthdays

Make a Wish and Learn Something New: 9 Mind-Blowing Birthday Facts


Birthday celebrations are a time-honored tradition around the world, with people coming together to mark another trip around the sun. While birthdays are typically associated with joy, laughter, and celebration, there are also some funny and fascinating facts about birthdays that you may not be aware of.

From peculiar birthday customs to quirky statistics, here are some entertaining and light-hearted facts about birthdays that are sure to bring a smile to your face.

1. Birthday Cakes: Sweet and Sinister Origins

Candles on cake
Candles on cake

The tradition of birthday cakes can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome, where people would celebrate birthdays with honey cakes and lit candles as an offering to the gods. However, the practice of putting candles on cakes as we know it today is believed to have originated in Germany in the 18th century.

Germans would place candles on cakes to represent the light of life, and the tradition spread to other countries over time. Today, blowing out candles and making a wish is a beloved birthday ritual, although it’s worth noting that some germaphobes find the practice a bit unhygienic!


2. The Most Common Birthday in the World

Have you ever wondered which day of the year is the most common birthday? According to a study conducted by Harvard University, September 9th is the most common birthday in the world. This is likely due to the fact that September falls exactly nine months after the holiday season, and many couples tend to conceive during this time.

On the other hand, February 29th, which only occurs during leap years, is the least common birthday.


3. The Oldest Confirmed Person to Have Celebrated a Birthday

Jeanne Calment
Calment at age 20 in 1895 – Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Jeanne Calment holds the record for the oldest confirmed person to have celebrated a birthday. Born on February 21, 1875, in France, Jeanne Calment lived to be 122 years and 164 days old, making her the oldest person in recorded history. She passed away on August 4, 1997, but her remarkable longevity has earned her a special place in birthday history.


4. Happy Birthday to You – the song

The Most Recognized Song “Happy Birthday to You” is one of the most recognized songs in the world, and it’s often sung during birthday celebrations. However, did you know that the song was originally written as a greeting card jingle?

In 1893, two sisters named Mildred and Patty Hill composed the melody as “Good Morning to All” to use in their kindergarten classes. The lyrics were later changed to “Happy Birthday to You” and the song gained worldwide popularity. Despite its widespread use, the song was copyrighted until 2016, which means that technically it was illegal to sing it in public without permission!


5. Birthdays Around the World

Customs and Superstitions Birthdays are celebrated in various ways around the world, and some customs and superstitions associated with birthdays can be quite amusing.


For example, in Denmark, it’s traditional to celebrate “round” birthdays (e.g., turning 30, 40, 50, etc.) by being “joked” or “teased” with a funny poem or rhyme that pokes fun at the birthday person.

In Russia, it’s common to pull on the birthday person’s ears as many times as their age to bring good luck.

In China, the number four is considered unlucky, so many people try to avoid celebrating their fourth, fourteenth, or forty-fourth birthdays.

Meanwhile, in some countries, like Brazil, birthday parties often feature a “parabéns pra você” (congratulations to you) song that is unique to the occasion and not sung at any other time.


6. Unusual Birthday World Records

Birthdays have also inspired some truly unusual world records. For example, the largest gathering of people born on February 29th, also known as “leaplings,” took place in Taiwan in 2012, where 490 leaplings gathered to celebrate their rare birthdays.


The record for the most candles on a birthday cake is a staggering 72,585, set in Israel in 2017. Imagine trying to blow out all those candles!

Another unusual birthday-related record is the fastest time to wrap a person with wrapping paper. In 2018, a team of four people in the UK set the record by wrapping a person in just 12.60 seconds, making for a truly memorable birthday surprise!


7. Birthday Star

Paul McCartney When it comes to famous birthdays, Paul McCartney, the legendary British musician and former member of The Beatles, holds an interesting record. McCartney has not one, but two unusual birthday coincidences.

Firstly, he shares his birthday, June 18th, with his fellow Beatles bandmate, the late John Lennon, who was born on the same day, albeit in a different year.

Secondly, McCartney was also born on the same day, June 18th, when his hit song “Yesterday” was released in the United States back in 1965. Talk about a birthday with multiple layers of significance!


8. Birthday Suit: Naked Celebrations

In some cultures, particularly in Europe, there is a tradition of celebrating birthdays in the nude. Known as “birthday suit” celebrations, these events involve the birthday person and sometimes their friends or family members stripping down to their birthday suits and indulging in activities such as saunas, hot tubs, or skinny dipping. The idea is to symbolize a return to the natural state of being born, and it’s certainly an unconventional way to celebrate a birthday!


9. Birthday Cards

The Most Popular Greeting Cards Birthday cards are a staple of birthday celebrations, but did you know that they are the most popular type of greeting card? According to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated 7 billion birthday cards are sold in the United States each year, making them the most popular category of greeting cards. With a wide variety of designs, styles, and messages to choose from, birthday cards offer a fun and creative way to express birthday wishes to loved ones.


Bonus: 10. Daily birthday celebrations

On average, there are about 17.7 million birthdays celebrated every day worldwide. This is based on an estimated global population of 7.9 billion people and assumes a uniform distribution of birth dates throughout the year. Of course, this number can vary depending on various factors such as cultural practices, birth rates, and seasonal variations in birth rates.


Birthdays are a time for celebration, joy, and laughter, and these fun facts about birthdays add a touch of amusement to the festivities. From the origins of birthday cakes and the most common and least common birthdays to unusual customs, world records, and birthday coincidences, birthdays are full of interesting and entertaining tidbits.

So, the next time you blow out your candles or sing “Happy Birthday,” you can impress your friends with these fun facts about birthdays. After all, birthdays are meant to be a day of fun and laughter, so why not add some extra amusement with these quirky and lighthearted facts?
